tempo maps and the fiasco: Deluva Is Back In Town, Playing the Cover Songs, looking for a simple tempo guide to play Kodachrome by Paul Simon. We did it alone by desperation!


When James “Jim” Deluva comes back to New Jersey, secretly, a full month before Christmas, one knows everything with the reclusive genius producer, code name Jim Deluva, things are going to get interesting on Route 1, from the ping pong halls of Douglass to the biology library at one Princeton’s freshman dorms.


Turns out James is doing a favor for a friend of his, a comparative literature professor who is having a party where the cover band skills of Deluva are featured. He can play anybody, no one knows who he is – always a great time.


The challenge as James strolled up the driveway was issued as he strolled up in an Adidas sweatsuit – “Kodachrome” by Paul Simon.  I have the sheet music for that song but it just read “moderate rock” – show me the real tempo map for that.  It’s not their wedding song, but she’s a Simin freak – so I’d appreciate it.”

“Kodachrome! What a generation bewitched song that is. If you even know what that is-? Aren’t you are aging yourself?”


Jonson found fools on this song. An interesting groove!

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Ray-Charles-Georgia-On-My-Mind-matherton-median-expected-speed-proposed-illustration – 1

Pat Metheny Group – The Fields, The Sky – declassified harmonic probability charts

This album should be part of essential listening for everybody in the world,it takes you away to a different planet,ive been listening to it for over 30 years and never tire of it,only ecm could produce such a masterpiece , a must

Rest in peace Lyle Mays (1951-2020)


PAT_METHENY-THE_FIELDS_THE_SKY-meanspeed school modern tempo map - 134.4 BPM_2
Pat Metheny Group-The Field, The Sky-harmonic tempo chart-0121