Billy Joel, “Allentown” | matherton declassified tempo chart

Billy Joel, “Allentown” | matherton declassified tempo chart

Genesis, Supper’s Ready As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs – unclassified tempo maps

Genesis’ song No Son Of Mine modern tempo map illustrates how speed and music interact

Supper’s Ready, part9, As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs

As Sure As Eggds Is Eggs, Supper’s Ready part 9

The song Supper’s Ready by Genesis was written by bandleader Peter Gabriel during a manic episode. The rest of the band, Tony Banks, Phil Collins, MIke Rutherford, Steve Hackett filled out the rest of the parts.

‘It Was A Very Good Year’ – Sinatra + ‘Handle With Care’ Traveling Wilburys | matherton declassified tempo diagrams

It Was A Very Good Year is a song made most famous by Frank “The Chairman” Sinatra.

Handle With Care is a song​ written and recorded by the Traveling Wilburys.

It Was A Very Good Year is a song made most famous by Frank “The Chairman” Sinatra.



Handle With Care is a song​ written and recorded by the Traveling Wilburys.

Elvis has left the building. Unclassified tempo map, Love Me Tender

Elivis’s I Can’t Help falling In Love With You is the 10th most popular piece of sheet music over half a century after its release.

Love me Tender is a song performed and recorded by American musician, warrior, and actor Elvis Presley.

Love With You is the 10th most popular piece of sheet music over half a century after its release.

Elvis-Love-Me-Tender-tempo-diagram-dcclxxiv.png copy 2



Georgia On My MInd-bl-RDR-meanspeed

matherton horowitz

“Yolanda, You Learn” | Pat Metheny Group | declassified tempo map

“Yolanda, You Learn” | Pat Metheny Group | declassified tempo map | with video link


some recent commentary on this creativity

Doctor Garbonzo

Metheny & Mays, Greatest duo since Miles Davis & John Coletrane …. Miss & feelin those days of Pedro Aznar, Paul Wertico

Whenever I play this in the morning while making coffee, there’s no question: It’s going to be a very productive day.

“You’re everything I hoped for, you’re everything I need.” JOE COCKER, you are so beautiful | declassified tempo map

Matherton-tempo-maps 2018

Joe Cocker’s version of a song you are so beautiful it’s one of the most beautiful songs of the 20th century.

My City Was Gone

revolution - the-beetles-matherton_tempo_map

The diagram pictured here of the measurements that I took of the frequencies of exactly how fast the song is in all places in the continuous measurement.

Time Keeps On Slipping – The tempo map, declassified​ – FLY LIKE AN EAGLE

Matherton Diagram of Steve Miller’s FLY LIKE AN EAGLE measured by me.

The average speed is 100 BPM, but the band gets a wide range, around 92-103 beats per minute.

“The Steve Miller Band passed me by, but I heard great things about those guys,” noted the Rock

Matherton Diagram of Steve Miller’s FLY LIKE AN EAGLE measured by me.

The average speed is 100 BPM, but the band gets a wide range, around 92-103 beats per minute.

“The Steve Miller Band passed me by, but I heard great things about those guys,” noted the Rock, Dwayne Johnson.

Adele once noted, “No, they’ll never influenced me *musically* – but I studied Steve’s boldness, his determination to do his thing – and I take inspiration from such great people. You can see, too, Steve was dressing his way, ahead of his time – and it was not what everyone wanted to see him wear. I get that a lot! Honestly, it used to bother me, now I rather revel in the idea of it.”


/matherton horowitz/